Hey, that's me!
... I'm Florian, still in the 20-year-old club, and I've been fascinated by the world of record players since I was 15. At just 17, I immersed myself in the world of high-end drives and had the privilege of restoring and owning some of the most iconic models of the last few decades, such as the Micro Seiki RX-1500VG, the Kenwood L-07D and the Thorens TD-124 MK II. I've also tried out a lot in the area of tonearms, including classics such as the SME 3009R, 3012R, Fidelity Research FR-54, FR-64fx, 66fx and the Schick 9'6 inch.
During my school years I discovered the world of DIY and developed my first loudspeaker. Room measurements, room acoustics and loudspeaker tuning became a big part of my passion, as did the construction of power amplifiers and preamplifiers. After graduating from high school I decided to deepen my knowledge of electrical engineering and began training as an electronics technician. At the same time I professionalized my hobby and started selling Yamamoto products. Since then I have also been offering turntable optimization and adjustments.
Over time, I found myself more and more deeply involved in the DIY scene, especially at events like Frickelfest and the European Triode Festival (ETF). In 2022, I started my YouTube channel "The Audiophile Path", where I dealt intensively with storytelling and eventually got into producing videos for companies. Since then, I have been producing the videos for LP magazine with Holger Barske, among others.
Currently (since summer 2024) I am doing my master's degree in electrical engineering and continue to work on combining and deepening my passion for audio, technology and creative projects.